Miracle!!!! Pastor prays and dead baby came back to life



Miracle happens as Dead baby is prayed back to life

On Sunday, February 7, 2016, at the Mountain Miracle and Liberation Ministries, a.k.a Liberation City, a dead child was prayed back to life in a suspense-filled movie-like scenario.
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The six-month old child said to have been ill for weeks was brought to the church by her parents for prayers. Unfortunately, the child gave up the ghost as soon as they arrived the church.





Her frantic parents eventually wept and pushed their way through to the podium where the man of God ministered to other people, and he immediately took the child from them and prayed fervently. Then he dropped the child on the altar and commanded her spirit to come back and the child moved! The congregation exploded in tumultuous praise as the child continued to move and even later drank some water.


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President Buhari addresses EU Parliament, hails Jonathan



– President Buhari addressed the European Union Parliament plenary session today

– He hailed ex-president Goodluck Jonathan for conceding defeat

– Restates commitment to rescuing missing Chibok girls and reuniting them with parents

President Muhammadu Buhari has yet again he hailed the efforts of his predecessor, Dr Goodluck Jonathan, to ensure Nigeria remains a peaceful nation after conceding defeat in the last presidential election.

Speaking today Wednesday, February 3, 2016, during the European Union parliament’s plenary session in Strasbourg, France, President Buhari noted that Jonathan made history by conceding defeat after the March 28 election.


The EU Parliament’s Plenary session

Addressing the plenary, the retired army General noted that Jonathan did what no Nigerian leader had ever done since in the history of the country.

READ ALSO: Olamide gets presidential handshake from Buhari

He said: “Democracy has come to Nigeria to stay, sooner than we expected, Nigeria will be regarded…

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Angels- a reality or a myth






This video raises the question whether the stories of angels are true or not. The video tells about the incident that took place in London. Here people reported to have seen a fallen angel. This was one of the major news at that moment. This raised the question of the existence of the angels. Later it was known that it was the work of an artist who made the statue that looked very real from a distance. This video shows that people are always drawn towards believing the mythological things. For more information, you click on the link that has been provided.


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Nadia Buhari dumps Jim Iyke for Wizkid?



Ghanaian sexy and talented actress, Nadia Buhari is in the news again. This time, it is no longer between herself and the Nollywood bad boy, Jim Iyke but now, she’s playing hide and seek game with Wizkid.


Barely one week when a picture of the actress pecking the Pakurumo crooner was posted on the internet, reactions have been coming from all quarters pointing to the picture. Already, tongues have started wagging seriously as to the reason for the posture.

Questions that fans have been asking is whether Nadia has dumped Jim Iyke for Star boy? or better still, whether Jim has seen this picture? Matinee gathered that, the picture serves as a dream come true for Wizkid.


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Buhari Wants To Jail Nnamdi Kanu At All Cost – MASSOB




The Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign States of Biafra, MASSOB, has accused the President Muhammadu Buhari-led Federal Government of playing politics with the continued detention of the Leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, and Director Radio Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu.
The National Director of Information, MASSOB, Chief Sunny Okereafor, in an interview in Aba, lamented that Kanu’s detention has assumed a political dimension where the federal government appears determined to jail him at all cost.
According to him, “How can the federal government continue detaining Nnamdi Kanu when he has been granted bail? What is the difference between the first bail granted him and now the one denied him last week by Justice Tsoho? It is all about politics. There is no doubt that the federal government is playing politics with his detention. But MASSOB wants to let them know that they are playing with fire.

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