The Doctor Told Her That She Should Keep The Pregnancy A Secret Because Her Baby Could Die. What Happens Next?Unbelievable!




Kate Lucas and her husband have already raised 2 children but decide to have another child.

The pregnancy test is soon positive and the gynecologist jokes: “Let’s have a listen to the heartbeat and see if it’s just one!” During the ultrasound, the doctor sticks up 2 fingers.

Kate is confused and asks her what the “Peace Sign” is for. “There’s two!” exclaims the doctor. But that is not the only news that Kate receives.

The embryos have only first separated 8 – 13 days after insemination, which means that there is no protective membrane between the two children.

Just a day or two later and the babies would have probably been conjoined twins. But there are also serious risks involved in this so-called monochorionic twin pregnancy:

the umbilical chords become life threatening dangers, increasing the chance for entanglement, strangulation or blockage. These extremely rare twins only have a survival…

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Everything You Need To Know About The ‘New’ Sexually Transmitted Disease (Must Read)




A little-known sexually transmitted disease that has attracted more attention lately may actually be fairly common, according to a new study.
The study found that the bacterium Mycoplasma genitalium, which is thought to be sexually transmitted, infects more than 1 percent of people ages 16 to 44 in the United Kingdom. That comes out to about 250,000 people, according to U.K. census data. Studies in the United States have found that a similar percentage of people here are infected with M.genitalium.
That makes M. genitalium a more common sexually transmitted disease (STD) than gonorrhea, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [Hidden STD Epidemic: 110 Million Infections in the US]
Here’s what you need to know about Mycoplasma genitalium:

Is this a new STD?

Some news outlets have described M. genitalium as a “new” sexually transmitted infection, but the bacteria were first discovered in 1980. At this…

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Wickedness: See What A Woman Did To Her House Boy For Stealing Meat (Graphic Photo)


No matter what a child does, spanking him/her hard like this cannot solve the problem. Some parents are worse than the “devil himself” that they even make terrorists look like saints.
This is what a woman did to her house boy for allegedly stealing meat from her pot of soup. She felt that the boy deserved the “capital punishment” for the crime. The gruesome photo was shared on Facebook.

